Last week, we introduced the CODA method for quality content. We find it to be a helpful mnemonic that can help you determine whether your content is as engaging and effective as it can be. Once you or your organization gets the hang of producing fantastic content, there still remains one essential piece to the puzzle: consistency.
There are plenty of articles out there that discuss consistency, but what each writer means by consistent content can be ironically variable. In this post, we define the ways in which consistency applies to content so that your organization earn a positive reputation with your prospects, customers, and the public at large.
1. Consistent Quality
Quality content was discussed in-depth in last week’s post. However, quality can not just be achieved once in a while. Your content must always be top-notch. To use our own business as an example, our clients depend on us to deliver quality content every time. It is a top priority for our clients, who often complain about their current partners’ “content implosions.” What they mean by that is the content might meet quality standards for a while in the beginning, but they often find that after a while it “goes off the rails,” which eats up valuable internal resources. While content might not be what your organization specializes in, this concept of consistently high-quality content should apply to your marketing strategy.
2. Consistent Frequency
Whether you have a large global workforce or a single person in charge of creating content, you need to adhere to a schedule. All you need is a calendar. And while every organization’s resources and goals are different, people (your audience, clients, partners, etc.) respond well to regular publication or delivery patterns. They will come to expect content at certain times, and failure to meet those expectations can severely damage the relationships you have been working so hard to build.
3. Consistent Voice
Your brand is nothing without a voice. It’s what people hear in their heads as they read your words. Whether on your company blog, Twitter, or in the e-newsletter, the voice should not change with the medium. Keep in mind that finding your organization’s voice is a process. It rarely just happens after writing down a few adjectives to describe how you want people to feel about your company. (However, that’s not a bad place to start.)
4. Consistent Style
The point of having a consistent style across all channels can’t be overstated, yet it often goes overlooked. Many times people confuse style issues with grammar issues. For example, do you use a serial comma or not? You can decide to go either way without violating any grammar rules, but make sure you do it the same way every time. Your organization will encounter all kinds of minor style discrepancies as you embark on a content marketing strategy. Make sure you resolve every one, and update your style guide to reflect them. It might seem tedious at first, but keeping an updated style guide will save your organization loads of time and headaches in the future.
There are certainly other ways in which consistency can apply to your organization's production of quality content, but the four applications discussed above are essential. With a high attention to detail and strict adherence to schedules and processes, your organization can get on track toward building strong relationships with your audience through the power of consistency.